A small section of the Appalachian Trail between Tennessee and Virginia is known as "The Vanishing" to experienced hikers and staff. A sixth person has now gone missing. Search and Rescue teams have been sent out to look for the latest vanisher, Christopher Pine, but nothing is ever found.
That was four years ago. Six people vanished. No one was ever found. Stray reports of those who went missing are passed on by hikers, but they never say a word and just wander off the trail when approached.
Oakley Pine couldn't let it go. Her father vanished from the trail on their annual summer hike through the mountains before she left for college. She blames herself. If only she had stayed with him. If only she hadn't run ahead to see the lake. If only…if only she had called a little louder. Maybe she could have found him.
Now that she's graduated, she and two friends are hiking through the same stretch of trail. She hopes to complete her and her father's dream of finishing the A.T, but she can't help but wonder just what is on this trail that causes people to vanish.