On the edge of the city, propped beside a wide brown river, there was dancing and drinking most nights. On a good night, there was blood. Fights between strangers, friends, and lovers, it didn't matter. The glassy eyes of junkies, punks, and filthy youth stood by passively to watch for free. This site did not disturb Shae in the least. She'd been hanging out at The Cellar since she was fourteen. On this sultry night she'd brought Finn, and couldn't tell how he felt about it. Whether he was horrified, fascinated, or indifferent to the scum rolling down the street.
The shithole club, the street outside, the alleyways, this entire part of the city was rough and poor. Half industrial and bleeding to projects, then burnt-out houses. Stray packs of dogs and skeletal cars buried in wild yards of poison ivy. She usually felt at ease here among these people. Her people. Dropouts, runaways, addicts and pushers, street artists, the occasional casual prostitute, if need be. But tonight she felt uncomfortable because she had brought Finn and he wasn't any of those things.