The Week We Saw Jesus recounts Holy Week through the eyes of children who the book presents as having been there to see it. Through rhyming and easily understood words, readers can experience the excitement of the week that begins with Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. They follow along as crowds rejoice, sinister plans develop, and Jesus ministers to many while the events of Easter come to life through vivid illustrations. The story is designed to help children understand Jesus on their level, leaving them with a desire to know more. Parents, grandparents, church staff, and volunteers will find this a useful way to build excitement and curiosity for the Easter season. The characters, and through them the readers, witness Palm Sunday, the cleansing of the temple, the Last Supper, the betrayal, the passion narrative, and, of course, the resurrection, as well as allusions to walking on water and the resurrection of Lazarus. The story strikes a balance between biblical accuracy and child-friendly content through a child narrator who meets Jesus as a stranger and grows to like him. A child's voice can provide truths more naturally than an adult, and, through that voice, the story displays no blood or gore yet reveals biblical events truthfully. In step with the narrator, readers can grow to feel they know Jesus better, understand the excitement of his arrival, appreciate the sadness of his death, and rejoice when they discover the miracle of Easter.