This book begins with the memory of the invasion of China by Japan, of a child under five years of age, from a prominent Catholic Family, living under the French quarter of Shanghai, protected from the Japanese invader until Pearl Harbor. His love of physics eventually led him to work for the leading scientific laboratories, Bell Labs, IBM, etc. Discovery of new technologies is largely by accidents, while discovery of the world we live in is mainly by careful observations, such as the discovery of the planet Pluto. He suggested that Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest should include survival of the best Technology. Evolution and disasters involve the rate of change. Any sudden changes too fast to be adapted lead to disasters. Therefore, what is good, usually allows sufficient processes to respond to sudden changes. Discovery of radically new technologies is largely by accidents, while discovery of our world is by careful observations, such as the discovery of the planet Pluto. As a naturalized American citizen for 50 years, he has something to say for the great American Society. We need to keep on top in circumstances such as economy and defense, not forgetting that it takes careful planning and execution in every category including research and development that brought this nation to the top in the 20th century!