The only official companion book for NBC's beloved drama This Is Us, starring Milo Ventimiglia, Mandy Moore, Chrissy Metz, and Sterling K Brown. Filled with memorable moments from
This Is Us season 1 to season 3, learn how Jack and Rebecca Pearson's inspirational parenting left a lasting impact on their children Kevin, Kate, and Randall.
The only official This Is Us companion book. Over 140 pages of quotes, lessons, and photos taken from season 1 to season 3 of NBC's award-winning show.
Invaluable parenting and relationship advice. Be inspired by Jack and Rebecca's most touching and heartfelt moments from the show.
Written For Modern Families. With 6 sections dealing with loving, healing, losing, showing up, decision making, and living this book can help parents, children, partners, and grandparents tackle all of life's problems.
A Perfect gift for This Is Us Fans. Releasing ahead of the hotly anticipated season 4 of This Is Us, this book is the perfect way for fans to reminisce and look ahead to the future stories of the Pearson family.