This is how the controversial futuristic epic series begins...75 years from now.
Thy Kingdom Fall (After Eden Series, Book 1) is the provocative, sci-fi thriller by author Austin Dragon--a dramatic mix of politics, religion, technology and intrigue.
In 2089, a former skin-runner-turned-star-reporter quietly investigates the Washington DC murder of the most powerful political king-maker in the nation. It is just the tip of a wider conspiracy and the start of a chain of events leading to a world catastrophe.
The world is a very different place:
-- Western Europe has fallen to the Islamic Caliphate
-- Israel is gone
-- Eastern Europe has merged with Russia
-- Beijing runs the anti-American Chinese-Indian Alliance
In America:
-- The US Constitution was found unconstitutional and replaced
-- Presidential term limits are gone
-- The culture wars are over
The three-term American president is obsessed with keeping the nation safe at all costs--by ending religiosity.
But the Resistance stands in his way.
It all leads to the explosion of World War III--a hell we have never seen before.