Perry Normal is a bright young science student who believes that Science has the answers to all of Life's riddles and mysteries. That is, until he accidentally slips through portal in Time not once--but three times. Each experience pushes him further to question the laws of the Universe, and come up with answers that lead him to understand so much more about what we call Reality. He travels back to ancient Greece to rescue a family from a volcano that will destroy their civilization in sudden disaster. Perry finds himself unexpectedly in Renaissance Rome at a time of change, and meets extraordinary people like Christopher Clavius, the Vatican astronomer to Pope Gregory, and William Shakespeare at the time he traveled to Italy to write his famous plays. He uncovers the secret that Albert Einstein did not reveal to the world! All the while, he and his close companions at Brackendale Middle School must deal with the mundane world of homework, teachers and assignments. And who can Perry share the true story of his adventures with? Who will believe that he traveled in Time, and returned to his small community in upstate New York? Join Perry and his friends as they uncover the riddle of time travel!