A maternity ward snapshot opens up a world of occult tragedy...
A small Texas town harbors the Second Coming -- and a host of unspeakable secrets...
A Dust Bowl family faces down a terrifying alien contagion...
A haunted grocery store holds a woman's only chance at redemption...
Visit the darkness in the shadows of a sunny waterslide park and the flooded corridors of an abandoned missile silo. Tiptoe through the sterile environment of a college physics lab and the diseased depths of a junkie's deviant faith. Encounter deranged doppelgangers, ride along on a cattle drive gone horribly awry, bear witness to an elderly farmer's final sacrifice, and meet a child whose imagination may be the world's last defense.
These twelve stories from Stephen Couch will introduce you to familiar worlds where new terrors run rampant...and where ancient fears find even they have no place to hide.