Tokyo Undead is a story of zombie survival taking place in one of the most densely populated cities in the world--Tokyo, Japan! This omnibus edition tells the complete story of an organization putting its last hopes on one man to find the antidote they need to save the world.
Originally released in Japan as two separate volumes, Seven Seas will compile both parts of Tokyo Undead in a four-hundred-page omnibus edition that includes several full-color illustrations.
After a man-made pathogen known as the K virus is accidentally released from Fieldwar Labs in the heart of Tokyo, the city is overrun by flesh-eating zombies. In the hopes of saving the last remaining survivors of this apocalypse, an organization known as Madara sends out its rookie member in a last-ditch effort to find a cure. Young Itachi must survive the zombie-ravaged streets of Tokyo while searching for the missing key that's integral to Japan's survival!