This classic novel set in the 19th century follows the formative years of Tom Brown at school, under the headmastership of the famous Dr. Arnold. The novel explores Tom's experiences with friendship, bullying, sportsmanship, and personal growth. As he navigates the challenges of boarding school life, Tom develops into a young man of integrity and honor. The book is a rich portrayal of Victorian school life, emphasizing the values of character, courage, and morality.
"Tom Brown is an early, well-drawn character in what was to become a familiar genre in English fiction: a chronicle of life at an English boys' boarding school. In the novel, Tom, a student at Rugby School in the time of Thomas Arnold's headmastership, is harassed by the school bully, Flashman, but overcomes his trials. During his school career, Tom does very well academically and on the playing fields." -- The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature