Tommy the Turtle was too afraid to make friends. He was separated from his family when he was still very small, and never went out from behind his coral reef mountain. He had often seen other turtles playing nearby, but did not know they were family or friends. He never wanted to explore because he always thought he would get hurt or eaten by predators that lurked in the shadows. This was the way life was for Tommy until a beautiful Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Tilly, convinced him that everything would be okay - that the ocean is not as dangerous as it looks and that his family will always be there for him.
This little story by George Green shows that even if you're feeling lonely now, you will never be alone forever. Family and friends are all around us all the time, and they can help us to overcome our fears. For Tommy, after being found by Tilly life would never be the same again. And the same can happen to you!