She wants to be normal, but the spirit world has other plans. Tormented by Ghosts is a story written about true life paranormal experiences. Lynda's unfortunate encounters with ghosts and other otherworldly paranormal phenomena that have greatly affected her life. The ethereal anomalies follow and attach themselves to people creating paranoia and chaos in normal peoples' lives. Her struggles include harrowing encounters of unwanted Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), her Near Death Experience (NDE), a horrifying visit from a demonic apparition, communicating with spirit guides and mysterious bone-chilling ghostly visits from another ethereal dimension. Lynda has been dealing with the phenomena for over thirty years seeking guidance and help from various mediums and psychics to get answers to deal with the paranormal. She has developed her own spiritual abilities over the years to assist her in warding off negative and evil ghosts to protect herself and her family. Her daily battles to overcome the paranormal and control the abilities that she has been given! Is she seeing and hearing ghosts that may have a message for her or to let themselves be known or to simply taunt her? You will read spine-chilling accounts with the other side. This is a story with many stories. You'll want to sleep with the lights on because it could also happen to you, too...