The final 3 books of the completed, science fiction series.
While Elaan deals with the influx of Iguacans, pressure continues to build from Centralplex. She knows that just being safe is not enough for her people.
Ripples and rumors about them have reached the Delta Quadrant with dangerous consequences. More than ever, she needs the guidance from her advisors of all species. And somehow, she must still keep their true nature a secret.
When a ship with a Message Carrier is attacked, the Iguacans are forced to expose one more secret. An unexpected source brings them more information about the current state of the Delta Sector, and an ominous warning.
Elaan is working hard to keep her people on the true path, but she knows that they must move with the tide of events or be pulled under.
Elaan is sure they are ready to return to their planet of origin, but there are factions in the Delta Sector who do not want them to come back.
Once again, she has to delicately blend the needs of others into what she knows is the best course for her people. And a few people will fight against her to their last breath.