In order to escape the escalating hassle Joe and Helen rent an apartment in a down market area, and as a result of living in such squalor Joe falls ill. Fortunately having recovered from the illness Joe recognises the futility of such a measure and they both move in with Helen's parents
Amid a rancorous divorce Joe figures he needs to be ahead of the game and rather naively decides to moves his money abroad. This leads to frequent excursions to Switzerland, France and America and on each occasion they come into contact with some very strange individuals. To add to their woes they have left behind two distraught spouses and six children, all of whom cannot comprehend why they have simply up and left. As a consequence each individual deals with the break up in a different manner
Difficult emotional and financial decisions lead to uncertainty and eventually mental fatigue. Tired of living out of suitcases and dealing with an acrimonious divorce they decide to settle down in Spain; and within a month of landing they buy a house and invest in land. At this point Joe and Helen are introduced by their Spanish Lawyer to what's termed black money and all it represents. Joe as expected is comfortable dealing in black money while Helen remains unsure. With the arrival of friends and family high jinks and misdemeanours ensue and on each occasion Joe pushes the boundaries. Despite they remain resolutely in love with each other. Question is will it last?