Troy: A Collar City History chronicles the transformation of the city from an untamed wilderness inhabited by the early Mohican tribe into a vibrant, modern industrial metropolis. Troy's story is truly a complex drama, supported by a host of entrepreneurs, inventors, immigrant workers, labor leaders, scientists, athletes, and artists, against a changing backdrop of war, depression, industrial revolution, and prosperity. The city's most significant characters come alive within these pages, such as Uncle Sam Wilson, an early-nineteenth-century meat packager who served as the model for this nation's patriotic icon; Amos Eaton, the father of geology and founder of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Emma Willard, a pioneer in the field of female education; and Kate Mullaney, a leader in local female unionization. This unique volume explores the old cobblestone streets, the historic downtown district, and the many factories producing iron, stoves, paper boats, bells, and of course, detachable shirt collars.