Learn All You Need to Know About Blockchain and How It Is Going to Change Everything!
Researchers and technologists alike are talking about how Blockchain technology is the next big thing across industries from finance to retail to even healthcare.
Just to give you a brief Introduction to Blockchain: In it's simplest form, the Blockchain is just a public ledger where transactions are recorded and confirmed anonymously. A ledger is just a collection of financial records. This ledger is shared between many, many parties.
Blockchain Technology has the capabilities to do a lot of things, but that is the essence of it. Blockchain is the platform on which cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc. can exist.
It may seem simple (or not), but this technology will have world wide effects and implications on almost every industry, and has the potential to change everything. And that is exactly what we will discuss in this book.
Some of the Things You Will Learn About In This Book Include: