Colin the Crab, the most skillful builder on the eastern riverbank, never hesitates to help his friends. Now Colin is busy with his own new project-a garden pavilion for his home. But after a week of hard work, the pavilion of his dreams is still unfinished. Even worse, a boisterous fish family has taken over the construction site. The exhausted Colin buries himself under a blanket and refuses to open his curtains. Puzzled, Colin's friends call an emergency meeting-it's time for them to take action!
Lo nonkala ungu Cebo wayesaziwa kakhulu nge talente yakhe yokwakha. Kwaye wayesoloko eluncedo kubahlobo bakhe. Emva kweveki enzima, indlwana yakhe yegadi yayingekagqitywa ukwakhiwa, kwaye wayehlaselwe ziintlanzi, ezafika zazenzela ikhaya ecaleni kwendlu yakhe.
Ekudinweni kwakhe u Cebo wazivalela endlwini yakhe. Wazifihla phantsi kweengubo, yabe ivaliwe ikhethini yakhe. Badideka kakhulu abahlobo bakhe sesi simo, kwanyanzeleka ukuba kubizwe intlanganiso engxamisekileyo.