Stories of where the normal meets the strange...
From the travails of a water-carrying alien on a harsh world.... to the loss of a child by a much-too-young father touched by the were gene. From the plight of a young immigrant painter struggling to get by... to the story of a young man who has to decide whether to help when he comes across a car in the ditch and a family fighting for survival in that wrecked vehicle...
And more...
Twenty-one stories about the moment when someone's life took an unexpected turn, and that person was changed forever. Tales of heroes and cowards, lovers and leaders, the heartbroken and the heartless. Stories that leave you wrecked inside, while the characters on the page try desperately to pick up the pieces of their lives.
Take a chance on a story from a genre you might not have ever read before, and dive headfirst into the tale of a life that appeared normal but was quickly transformed into a life less ordinary, and a life more strange and more fascinating.
Michael Jasper uses genre as a weapon in these twenty-one stories. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.