The love story begins in a small town in northern Maine, when Mimi-an attractive, bright,
fun loving nursing student meets Chad, a handsome, athletic, intelligent young college
student. The relationship begins with a casual meeting at the town library. But the
intense chemistry between the two leads to a passionate love affair.
VELMA is the consummate love story. The author cleverly conveys the drastic,
sometime tragic events that befall Mimi and Chad and shows how adverse
circumstances can be overcome by love.
VELMA is not a love at first sight story, first love, or puppy love tale. It is pure life-lasting
magical love with an unforgettable ending.
What a wonderful, inspiring, and encouraging book! I would have read this in one
sitting if I could. At any rate, it left me on edge to know what is going to happen.
next. Once again, Bob Fields is at his best in portraying the best (and sometimes
the worst but redeemable) people in real life. The reader finishes the story
greatly encouraged by hopes for change and betterment of life. It was also hard to
say goodbye to an extraordinarily uplifting novel.