Welcome back to Chapter City, where the streets are clean, the nights are exciting, and human beings live mostly in peace alongside supernatural creatures like zombies, vampires and half-demons, and it's been days since anyone's tried to eat someone else.
After a dead man hires private investigator Lil Shreiber and her partner Michael Tome (ex-warlock) to track down his missing granddaughter, things get awkward when it turns into an unfortunate case of demonic possession. Pursued by angry police and angrier demons, the pair find themselves on the front line of a war against Hell, and in direct conflict with the Antichrist and his morally conflicted henchmen.
Even if she avoids being eaten by demons, shot by the FBI, or vapourised by Tome's incompetent spellcasting, Lil still has to choose between saving the life of an innocent girl, or seeing the world destroyed in an interdimensional war.
And either choice could cost her even more than she realises.