In this short story set in the late 60s, Marnie discovers that her husband is having an affair with her best friend. Disillusioned, she decides to leave him and travel to Chicago. She goes to the bus station to begin the eight-hour trip. When she finds out that the bus would be delayed for several hours, she goes to the cafe and meets three others who are also waiting for the same bus. One of them offers to drive. They hear on the radio that there was a bank robbery and two people were killed. Two robbers were captured and one escaped. They realize that the escaped robber is in the car with them. He pulls a gun and ends up shooting the driver, causing a terrible accident. Marnie is thrown from the car and the other three are killed. When she recovers from her injuries, she decides to finish the trip to Chicago and visit the families of the people who were killed. As she makes her visits, she learns more about herself.
As you read this noir tale, imagine it in black and white!