The Tale of The Human Race...
is at an exciting moment. One telling of the tale has the heroes - we humans - about to die out. The darkest version has all life on Earth going down with us as we boil away the planet's protective atmosphere.
How did we get into this dangerous place?
How do we get out of it?
Is all hope lost?
Our human superpowers have got us into this mess. Leadership is the main culprit - we need to do it differently. Followership isn't given much attention but that is very important too. We need to do both differently if we are to avoid extinction. We have other superpowers as well. They can help. But we are not going to do away with leadership or followership. We need to find new ways of leading and new ways of following to tackle the crises we are now facing. If we don't - we're heading for the exit door. It's quite a story. Will it have a happy ending?
With the help of satirical cartoonist Sam Hepburn, Paul Clipson weaves his anthropology and his corporate experience into a highly entertaining roadmap to navigate the rocky future that awaits we humans.