Within these pages of Wicca Herbal Magic, you will find information on what herbalism is, its roots, who and how it used to be used, and how it has evolved to the usage we have now. You will also learn about the sentient nature of plants, the magic that lives within them, and the energy we can all harness by using them. You will learn the magical and medicinal uses of common plants and how to grow them. We will touch on poisonous plants and how to ensure safety while working with them.
Wicca Herbal Magic will also delve into magical gardens, working with plants to correspond to astrology and the zodiacs, welcoming fairies into your garden, and how magic and medicine coincide. You will learn the plants of the 8 Sabbats (Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, and Mabon) and rituals incorporating them. You will learn the plants associated with each of the 13 Esbat Moons and an easy to follow ritual. We will also touch on the different forms of herbs in magic and how to make a few of them, along with magical tools that every Wiccan can use.
To end, we will talk about Herbal Grimoires - what they are, what they typically include, how to create and decorate your own, and the different people who work with them. By the end of this book, you will have a solid foundation of herbal knowledge that will have you well on your way to mastering the art of using herbs in magic and medicine.
Do you think that working with plants has to be complex and time-consuming? Does the idea of growing your own herbs make you nervous? Do you think that only skilled Witches and Wiccans have the power to harness the energy of plants? Well, healing with plants does not have to be difficult, and this book is here to show you how.
In this book you will find information on:
If any of these things are topics that interest you, do not hesitate to purchase this book. You will find this and so much more within these pages.
The only thing standing in the way of your new herbalist adventure is you!