For centuries, even before man began recording the highlights of the events of his day, he has harbored a deep interest in the phenomenon of nature. And the fascinating thing in nature, as far as man has always been concerned, is the moon. Unlike the sun that always remains a large glowing ball in the sky, the moon changes in shape and size at seemingly random moments. There were also times when it disappeared from the sky from a few hours to a few days.
The humankind now knows a lot more about the moon and how it works than he did in those days from long ago, but the moon is still an object of fascination.
We still depend on the cycles of the moon for agriculture, sailing the high seas, and knowing when to work the best magic rituals.
Wicca Moon Magic will explore everything you have always wanted to know about making magic by the light of the moon and how to make it the best magic possible. There is so much to discuss about the moon and magic, such as:
As the moon takes on the different phases, you will learn which magic is best worked during each phase. You will see how Wiccans use the movement of the moon to mark major events in their year.
There is also a section on how to create a special Wiccan remembrance book so that you will have a place to keep all of your best spells and the instructions for them.
So let's start now, order your copy today!