In the enchanting town of Salem, Massachusetts, where magic and mystery intertwine, lives Carnella, a
peculiar witch with a penchant for peaceful coexistence. However, when a chaotic bank robbery erupts in
the heart of the town on a spooky All Hallows Eve, Carnella finds herself caught in a whirlwind of events
she never anticipated.
As the murderous robbers start to leave, Carnella remains composed, willing to let them depart unscathed.
That is until one of the thieves attempts to snatch her cherished amulet, an ancient artifact that is the
source of her unparalleled power. Unleashing her cunning and centuries-old wisdom, Carnella bestows
upon the robbers a mischievous trick and an unexpected treat that will forever linger in their memories for
an eternity.
"WITCH" is a thrilling tale of magic, mischief, and unexpected camaraderie in the face of chaos. Author Jerrimiah Stonecastle intricately weaves together a narrative that explores the boundaries of morality, the allure of power, and the resilience of the human spirit. With a cast of compelling characters, including the enigmatic Carnella, readers will be drawn into a world where the line between good and evil blurs, leaving them to ponder the true nature of justice, and the enduring impact of choices made on one fateful night. Prepare to be bewitched and bewildered as you uncover the secrets of Salem alongside Carnella and the unsuspecting robbers in this bewitching tale of Halloween intrigue.