New collection of poems in English by Greek poet Demosthenes Agrafiotos. The collection is translated from the Greek by Angelos Sakkis and John Sakkis.
Demosthenes Agrafiotis is active in the fields of poetry/ painting/ photography/ intermedia/ installation and the way they interact. He has a special interest in the relation between art and new technologies.
His book Maribor (The Post-Apollo Press) was awarded the 2011 Northern California Book Award for Poetry in Translation, Chinese Notebook (Ugly Duckling Presse) appeared later that same year, "now, 1/3" & thepoem (BlazeVOX Books) was published in 2012, all three books were translated by Angelos and John Sakkis. His recent books are +graphies (Veer Books), Betises (Editions Fidel Anthelme X), and ArtxArt (Redfoxpress). He is based in Athens, Greece.
Demosthenes Agrafiotis is a prolific and widely-exhibited Greek poet and visual artist whose interdisciplinary works combine poetry, painting, photography, multimedia, performance, and new technologies. His books include, among others, Chinese Notebook and Maribor, which was the winner of the Northern California Book Award, a prize for poetry in translation, in 2011. He has had exhibitions of photography, paintings, drawings and installations both in Greece and abroad. He was the editor of the anthology-formatted magazine Clinamen, which from 1980 - 1990 created an amalgam of Greek poetry and art with work from Europe, Asia, and America, and which since 1996 has focused on the production of artists' books.