Imagine you are invited to a packed one-day conference to hear from eleven experienced youth pastors from ten different countries. Many of them are still serving as local church pastors - men and women serving in different cultures and denominations. Each, in turn, takes half an hour to explain how they: got into youth ministry; look after their own soul; got organised; balance ministry and family life; lead in evangelism; communicate with youth; work with schools; care for young people; lead their volunteer teams; and relate to parents and senior church leaders. Despite significant challenges these men and women have lasted the distance and have seen God do wonderful things in the lives of young people. In total, they bring more than 160 years' worth of international youth work experience gained over the last three decades. You find yourself comparing and contrasting their stories and reflecting on your own ministry.
'Youth Ministry Across the Continents' brings that experience to you and is accompanied by the website www.firsthalfleadership.com where you will find videos introducing each contributor from each of the ten countries.
Inspiring, practical and educational the book will provoke new thinking and provides a broad range of perspectives, while reinforcing principles common to youth work across the globe. This book will open your eyes to see that God reigns over the nations and is clearly at work in the lives of young people and youth workers.