Super soldier, super spy ……… Alien odd job man.
Gray Albern, alias agent Zero is a busy man as together with his boss and friend Geyldian, an alien clone human hybrid, they attempt to prevent the human race from making leaps which might destroy the planet or themselves. It's a mission the circle of Numbers has been looking after for eons ever since their creators the Devine evacuated Earth, moving onward a new home world.
Now everyone's job is about to get harder still as the humans inadvertently give away the position of planet Earth to an old foe of the Devine.
In a feud which has run for millions of years across the cosmos, the Khai-mah are on their way. Their aim? ..... To extinguish the Devine, their neighbours of old and expand across the universe, possessing all that they find and killing any race that would dare to stand in their way.
At a time when the cloned caretakers of the planet were just beginning to allow the humans to progress technologically at a faster rate, with the goal of shepherding the planets indigenous race toward an enlightened state similar to their own, news that the Khai-mah have found the tiny blue planet couldn't have come at a worse time.
The humans aren't ready. The caretakers know what's coming but they aren't ready either, having stagnated technologically since their arrival to planet Earth.
Only Zero can stand in the way of the Khai-mah, but he has problems all of his own…