Experience the fascinating, thought-provoking stories of struggles, successes, love, and revenge. This book contains an assemblage of significant, humorous, surprising, poignant, and charming short tales. With his characteristic blend of honesty, insight, humanity, and compassion, storyteller Clive Aaron Gill demonstrates writing that is distilled to potent essentials.
1. A seven-year-old boy gives his father's used razor blades to school friends. What are the consequences?
2. A young man asks his good friend's mother for help. Does she assist?
3. A lavish wedding takes place in colonial Africa. Will African servants attend? Who pays the expenses?
4. Simon faces hunger in Africa. How does he struggle to make political changes?
5. A single mother drives a school bus. What risks her career?
6. Manny takes his neighbor's newspaper daily. Find out what his neighbor does.