In Luke's Gospel we can find several relevant teachings on the education of labor:
1. humility and service: Luke highlights the importance of humility and service through the teachings of Jesus. He emphasizes selfless service to others, encouraging his followers not to seek personal exaltation, but to be willing to serve others in their work.
2. Be faithful in little: Jesus teaches that those who are faithful in little will be entrusted with more responsibilities. This teaching invites us to be diligent and responsible in our daily labors, regardless of how small or insignificant they may seem.
3. Be generous and compassionate: Luke shows Jesus' compassionate heart toward those in need and emphasizes the importance of generosity and compassion in our work. This includes helping the less fortunate, giving selflessly and showing compassion to those who are suffering.
4. Prioritize relationship with God: Luke teaches the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God over our professional concerns. Jesus encourages his followers to seek first the kingdom of God, trust in him and depend on his provision in all areas of life, including work.