A vivid, emotional adventure in poetry about our canine best friends trapped in the wicked dog-meat trade.
Pet dogs and meat dogs alike, destined for the dinner plate, rally to share their stories through this collection of lively, provocative, and easy-to-read poems.
Glimpse the ghastly Yulin dog-meat festival in China. Step into the furry boots of the meat dog. Enter the mind of the activist fighting to save the pups. Come face-to-face with the dastardly dog-meat eater, licking his chops in anticipation of his next leg-of-dog.
Meet other animals too - a cat named Cornelius and a sensitive slug.
Some poems are dark, tragic, and arresting, while others are dreamlike and uplifting. Mix in some comical pieces, and you'll find yourself laughing!
From across continents and over oceans, the dogs of the global meat trade call out with a 30-million-strong, bark-yelp-howl, "Read this book! Know our plight!"