Join Anjo the Berniedoodle and her friends, Minty the Sparrow, Ava the Rabbit, and Jelly the Squirrel, on an exciting adventure as they work together to save their beloved zoo from mischief and mayhem!
When strange occurrences start happening at the zoo, Anjo and her friends must use their unique skills and teamwork to unravel the mystery and catch the culprits.
Along the way, young readers will be delighted by charming characters and engaging dialogue. Plus, there are simple illustrations made by children, ready to be colored in, allowing other children to bring the story to life with their own creativity!
"Anjo Saves The Zoo!" by Mia Hannsen is a heartwarming tale of friendship, bravery, and the power of working together, perfect for children ages 6 to 12. Get ready for a wild ride full of laughter, excitement, and plenty of colorful fun!