"Anjo's Safari Expedition" follows the courageous journey of Anjo the Bernedoodle and her loyal friends—Minty the Sparrow, Ava the Rabbit, and Jelly the Squirrel—as they embark on a thrilling safari expedition in the heart of the African savanna.
When they receive word of a beloved Aardvark named Anna being captured by poachers, the friends spring into action, determined to rescue her and put an end to the poachers' cruel activities.
Along the way, young readers will be delighted by charming characters and engaging dialogue. Plus, there are simple illustrations made by children, ready to be added on, colored in, allowing other children to bring the story to life with their own creativity!
"Anjo's Safari Expedition" is a heartwarming tale of adventure, heroism, and the power of standing up for what's right, sure to captivate readers of all ages.