"I'm not hungry and I'm losing weight." - Ryan
Want to see weight loss results quickly?
Do other diet plans leave you feeling like you are starving to death even after eating a mountain of celery and lettuce?
It's been proven time and again that after only a few days of being on the Atkins Diet Plan you will see results and your clothes will begin fitting better!
On the Atkins Diet you will be eating every 2 - 3 hours (including snacks) so you never feel hungry. Plus with so many food options available, you can still have quite a variety in your daily meal plan. Plus, as you approach your weight loss goal, you can add in more starchy veggies, fruits and whole grains giving even more options.
Atkins Diet Essentials is a great new book for getting you started down the path of Healthy Living and Weight Loss.The Atkins Diet definitely isn't another fad! It's been around for over 40 years and is a healthy lifestyle plan to get you on the road to feeling better AND losing weight. The key to the success of this diet is controlling your carbohydrate intake. It's been proven that your body will burn more fat when it is fed less refined carbohydrates.
And burning fat leads to losing weight! This is why the Atkins Plan works so well.
Atkins Diet Essentials is the answer to your desire to lose weight and keep it off!This diet has been around for a long time and is a proven plan to promote healthy weight loss. What's more, you'll learn how to transition from the initial strict diet phase to the maintenance phase so you will be able to keep those pounds off for good!
This book is meant to be a useful guide to those who want to get started on the path of healthy living through the Atkins Diet plan. Inside this valuable resource you will find 26 Recipes including tasty treats for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks.
Here Is A Preview of What's Inside...I have covered everything you need to know to get started on the right foot, so you can see results in under a week. This is strong motivation to continue the plan!
I've included great information that will get you going with foods you can eat and those you should avoid as well as how to dine out while on the plan. There's even a chapter devoted to helping you through the inevitable "diet plateau" we all experience. And don't worry, there are no points to track or embarrassing weigh-ins. You'll have everything you need to begin today.
Buy this book now to begin your journey to a healthier you using the Atkins Diet and take pleasure in all the benefits it will provide! Don't waste another minute feeling uncomfortable when you look in the mirror.
FREE GIFT when you purchase this book! Just my way of saying "thanks."