For his séries Back to the Muséum, Laurent Muschel visited various muséums around the world on the trail of the tourist, the aficionado of previews, the wanderer, but perhaps also the art dealer, the gallery owner, the collector, the connoisseur, the art historian or the museum conservator. In the United States, in Europe and in Russia, from the Moma to the Ermitage, he not only paused in front of the canvasses. He also took the time to watch the visitors. Fascinated by the beauty of the dialogue between the works of art and the public, he lingered upon the formai and chromatic corrélations between the différent fabrics - those of the clothes and those, tighter, of the canvasses.
Several fortunate opportunities led him to create playful connections between thèse two surfaces : hère, a mesh stocking engages with a Dubuffet ; there, a veil in American colours chimes with a Jasper Johns ; elsewhere, a dress talks to a dripping by Pollock, a shoulder strap reflects the austerity of a Malevich.