Coenzyme B12 Enzymes, Part B, Volume 169 in the Methods in Enzymology series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on Structural characterization of cobalamin-dependent radical SAM methylases, Purification and characterization of sequential cobalamin-dependent radical SAM methylases ThnK and TokK in -lactam antibiotic biosynthesis, Characterization of the cobalamin-dependent radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine enzyme C-methyltransferase Fom3 in fosfomycin biosynthesis, Studies of OxsB and GenK, two B12-dependent radical SAM enzymes involved in natural product biosynthesis, Purification and structural elucidation of the cobalamin-dependent radical SAM enzyme OxsB, and more.
Other chapters discuss Methods for studying the mechanisms of B12 enzymes, Computational investigations of B12 dependent enzymatic reactions, Using kinetic isotope effects to probe the mechanisms of adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzymes, Steady-state and pre-steady state kinetic analysis of ornithine 4,5-aminomutase, and more.