Whether your teen is a slight problem or a nightmare, you can learn from my experiences raising a teenage sociopath. There is always hope, with God's help. God can give you peace, even when your life is in chaos.
In light of recent events, Americans are looking more at the complex reasons that cause shootings. A significant number place the blame with parents not paying enough attention to their children, and of course, mental illness. It has been shown from previous shootings that usually these young people feel like outsiders because they don't have a peer group's respect and support, and they felt unloved at home. Love is one primary inhibitor to bad behavior. I show in my book that there are three primary inhibitors that will make a difference with the behavior of most children.
With our complicated lives, all the distractions and demands on each of us, we have to make the most of the time we have with our children. If the influence of the three primary inhibitors is not being felt by your children, then they may not have moral restraints to prevent bad choices.