This book is an introduction to the worker-owned cooperative movement in the USA. It was first released in 2011, and now it includes 79 videos, all active when connected to the internet, most of them realized by the cooperators. They make the content less boring, more entertaining, and lively.
There is a section on Electric cooperatives and their new role in bridging the rural divide to bring the internet to rural America, a significant issue for a large part of the population in rural America.
Also, there is a section on recent developments in cooperatives, with the Evergreen Cooperatives and the Cleveland Foundation's initiatives, and the USW's cooperation with the Spanish Mondragon cooperatives. They are models of new ways the cooperative movement takes shape outside old established models.
Included is a debate on what real innovation is in our world: is it only a new smartphone model or an idea from a country kid equally essential for society? Who is interested in convincing us that only a NEW PRODUCT deserves the title to be innovative? The billionaires are backing the company that makes the product.
The Lusty Lady Theater gets a full video coverage; it is history now, but what they achieved stays for future memory.
Another subject touched on is the issue if Uber and Lift drivers should be employees or independent contractors or if they should be APP-cooperators instead of controlling their APP.