In the sleepy town of Cooper's Grove, Agnes MacPherson is known as the Witch Woman because of her ability to see auras and spirits. For the most part, people come to her to ask the usual questions posed to a seer. But there is nothing usual about the haunting of Lucinda Mae Hawkins. Cooper's Grove is the story of Lucinda as told by Miss Aggie.
A wrong side of the tracks girl, Lucinda meets spoiled, rich boy John Dawson in her sixteenth summer. An innocent, she is excited to be the object of his desire and of his jealousy. One thing leads to another and John is given no choice but to marry the girl he thought would be a mere dalliance. Despite his dismay, a side of John delights in the horror he knows his mother feels at the unsuitable match, and he revels in the knowledge that now he is the boss, the man of the family, and no one can tell him how to act or what to do, least of all his new bride.
Billy Joe Dean has always had a crush on Lucinda and when John meets an early death, he steps in and courts the new widow, unaware that the spirit of her departed husband has no intention of relinquishing his hold on her.
Spanning fifty years, Cooper's Grove is a ghost story, a love story and ultimately, a tale of redemption.