Daglyr is the pilot novel of an exciting new Universe series that begins in another dimension and follows the adventures of a chaotic and twisted alien as he faces the struggles of existence throughout time and space
Captain Widhbo (pronounced 'wee bow') of the Royal Borrugal Brigade was known for his success in battle against all odds. Infamous for his unorthodox methods, he invited the boldest soldiers to train at his side, many too headstrong for other companies.
His current mission is to gain control of the daglyr problem, brutish beasts caught raiding vital supply lines on the isolated planet of Corrudi. Widhbo encounters deception and discovers a dark conspiracy threatening the entire Borrugal Coalition.
Striving to overcome formidable foes, his own superiors thwart him, and Widhbo must compromise a winning strategy. He devises bold plans to avoid failure and a grim fate. He risks his life and abandons everything he once cherished to make a final attempt for freedom.