TORMENTED BY YEARS OF ADDICTION, SLEEPING IN ABANDONED HOUSES AND SELLING MY SOUL FOR THE NEXT ONE. Numerous prison terms, my home a tiny cell. Alone with only bare walls to reflect on my many failures. One abusive relationship after another, because of feeling unworthy. Drowning spiritually in confusion and the illusion that my life wasn't that bad. Through the Forever Free substance abuse program in Chino prison, I began to grasp the concept of freedom and hope for a brighter future.
My journey into self evolved. I was able to uncover pieces of the puzzle, which had eluded me for years. Feeling confident, I started exploring my fears, disappointments and betrayals. Emerging with a new found sense of clarity, I felt compelled to share my quest out of darkness with you. My hope is that you learn to take the fragments of a broken existence and re-assemble them into the life you have always envisioned for yourself. Experience a new world filled with personal enlightenment and self discovery.