Having low energy, a feeling of chronic tiredness, fatigue and even a lack of mental energy and that difficulty in concentrating or a lack of feeling of power, are very common problems today, so frequent that they are taken as something normal. Both men and women, we have ever been in a time where we lack energy, it is difficult for us to get up in the morning, tired when going to train, it is difficult for you to study, it is difficult for you to concentrate on work, we cannot sleep and it seems that the days They get longer, time goes by and we can't regain the energy we used to have.
We all want and need more stable and higher energy levels throughout the day, to do more with the time we have and increase our performance, whether sports, work or in any situation of our life, obviously there are going to be strategies that are more effective to increase our energy level or to keep them stable throughout the day and in this book you will get those strategies and tips.