Over hills and valleys, the deafening deserts of silence and the tumultuous seas, her faith carried her through, and showed her that she would indeed live to the next moment. The second in the series of For YOU books, the author uses The Silver Lining to masterfully portray the parent/child dynamic in a different way. Her life experiences, though troubled, have shown her that maybe, just maybe they were meant to happen so that she could provide some measure of support to others today. Maybe this is how her journey was meant to be.
"You stood over me
And I wondered if this was going to happen again -
The chastising. The harsh looks.
The raised voice. The blaming.
The beating."
There were so many times she never believed she would make it past her early years and yet, here she is, by the Grace of God.
Again, within these pages, there is so much that you probably never considered but you need to be aware of. Look past the story. Develop your journey.