Don't be fooled by the title of this book.
It's not a "pro-divorce, find a reason to blame your spouse, and GTFO book.
GAFDA may be the most powerful book you'll ever read about relationships and is being called the new "Relationship Bible" by readers.
It's an open invitation to discover who you are and what's important to you" book.
It's an "examine yourself before casting the first stone" book.'s permission to get a divorce when you've done everything you can to clean your side of the street.
This book is really a 'follow your heart' book for the sincere seeker who is brave enough to look in the mirror and make his or her own course corrections first.
Laurie's wit, intelligence, and compelling observations all combine to awaken you gently if you are willing to be accountable (and slap you across the face if you aren't!).
Married, single, divorced or just thinking about it GAFDA will teach you how to trust yourself, live authentically, and follow your heart.
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