Life will deal you blows that the soul cannot handle, call it self-preservation, call it avoidance, call it whatever you want, but it is what I did, and it worked for a very long time. But somehow, I knew that at some point, I would have to tell my story, that I would have to face my pain.
The reason for writing my book is that it is essential for my healing process. I have been running from my life, all my life. How can I help others heal if deep down inside myself there's unhealed pain? Everyone at some time or another has asked the question: God, Where Were You? We fail to realize that it is the first step to overcoming our thoughts of what we believed the challenge was if we can ask this question. I have asked this question several times in my life. So why the change of heart, you might ask? It was the realization that everything I have been through in my life was all necessary for my purpose.