GROWING VEGETABLES IN A HUGELKULTUR Hugelkultur, also sometimes referred to as Hugel Bed; is a Permaculture gardening technique for growing vegetables in heaps made from timber and covered over with topsoil.
In this short introduction to a well-established but little-known growing concept, you will discover what it involves and how it can be used to great advantage particularly in dry arid regions.
With a proper understanding and application of this simple technique, vegetables can be grown with minimum irrigation - and less back-ache!
A cheap and effective way to grow vegetables in the poorest conditions, this 'Mound Culture' technique uses the naturally decomposting lumber to both feed and irrigate the plants grown in it.
There can be no doubt that this is a productive technique for growing vegetables and indeed could be the answer to many problems facing the enthusiastic food-grower.
Check out the links within the cover to see the whole process of building a Hugelbed in action...
Click on the 'LOOK INSIDE' above...