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Do your market research right. That means forgetting about yourself and putting yourself in the place of your customer. What do they want from your sales funnel? Forget about what you think is great about it, and start thinking like your customer. You may focus on how your vacuum cleaner is so powerful it can suck freshly spilled wine from your carpet, but what size is it, and how economical is it? Your customer may want a vacuum cleaner that fits in their utility closet or doesn't use much power. Add the most stupid simple, one-click payment option you can to your website. That includes making said payment option mobile responsive. The use of the internet on mobile devices continues to rise every month and shows no sign of slowing down. Sites that minimize the requirement to jump through hoops are maximizing purchases from mobile devices. Users are more likely to drop out than continue the purchase when faced with multiple buying processes. Keep sales and marketing separate. The term "sales and marketing" gets bandied about quite a lot - and almost always treated as if they are the same department. They're not. The role of your marketing department is to gain and nurture leads, and the sales department is responsible for taking orders. The majority of the work belongs to the marketing department, which should help shape the customer's awareness of the product before the sales department takes over. Follow up with leads continually. Don't allow a gap anywhere in your funnel where a CTA is missing for the next step. Always Be Closing, not in the old-fashioned sense of pressure selling, but in the modern application, of always being there for your customer. Hire the best copywriter you can afford. A good copywriter can look at your sales pages and eliminate the unnecessary copy, ditch the parts that Focus on features where benefits are more suitable and more. Having a clear and distinct purpose for each landing page in your funnel is vital. Challenge objections head-on. If you ignore complaints or try to sweep them under the carpet, you're going to start worrying every time you get close to a sale. You're also going to lack the absolute confidence you need that your customer isn't going to come back to you the day after they have bought from you, requesting a refund. Finally, you can't do all this alone. Outsource where you lack the proper skills. It's a small investment in your long-term profitability.