This is a story of survival, redemption, and salvation. In this brutally honest narrative, Joseph Turner doesn't flinch from the details of his personal failings, the downward spiral of his life, and his return to happiness and fulfillment through the grace of God. Moreover, Turner reveals the astonishing truth about our existence, that we have the power to become as gods, under God. We are open to the fruits of His benevolence, if we allow ourselves to be.
But Turner's miraculous adventure is more than a recounting of his fall from God's grace and his return to The Path of righteousness. He gives a detailed summary of what steps he took to regain his health, how he shed bad habits and cultivated good ones, and how he came to understand what is meant by love.
His struggle against personal demons is braided with eye-opening revelations of government surveillance worthy of Big Brother. Turner shares his experience what happens when the New World Order puts the individual under the microscope and rips apart any notion of privacy. And equally disturbing, Turner relates his experience with the VA, who churn him through a bureaucratic machine, only to deny him needed medical care.
Turner shows that we all have access to a transcendent joy that rises above society's norms, to a life of peace and free of judgment, to a blessed reality if we allow ourselves to recognize that we are living in the light of the Lord's magnificence in the Kingdom of God that is at hand.