Don't let the title fool you. This book does not contain steamy photos of the Ten Lost Tribes in strange sex positions. But it does include knishes, martinis, chimpanzees, road trips, marital woes, and probably the heaviest damn butcher block on either side of the Mississippi. It's about the author's search for a meaningful life, ill-equipped as she was at times to articulate what that truly meant. Yet when all else failed—her career, her marriage, her much-revered but silly-looking AMC Gremlin—she could always rely on her love of food, running the table from comfort food to nouvelle cuisine, or in the words of the musical Oliver: "Food, glorious food." This memoir may not make you laugh or cry, but it will make you hungry. Kosher Sutra is a wonderful palate cleanser that fits sweetly between the courses of Oy vey and Mazel tov.