Low-Buy Minimalist Living is a life manual that teaches how you can live happily on a low budget. You will significantly decrease your buying habit and choose carefully the things that you buy. You will also declutter your life from all the noise and things, as well as stress and everyday pressures. Today, many people are stressed, sad, and unhappy. This book has been written to fight against the many illusions and evils of this world. We are made to believe that to be happy and successful in life, we need to earn and spend lots of money, that we need to get very stressed and suffer anxiety. However, you must realize that you always have a choice. You have a choice whether you will follow the way of the world or pave your own path where you can be yourself and be happy.
Low-Buy Minimalist Living teaches how you can significantly cut down on expenses and take control of your money-spending habits. It also teaches that life means so much more than earning and spending money. After all, money is only just a human invention. If you make it a center of your life, then you will always be lost, indeed, as it also limits your quality of life.
Now is also the time to declutter your mind from all the noise and ceaseless chatter. You should free yourself from stress, anxiety, and fear. It is the hope of the author that by the time we finish this humble journey through these pages, you will have found a way to live a more simple, more beautiful, peaceful, and truly happy life that overflows with meaning and deep serenity.
Low-Buy Minimalist Living is your personal guide to being happy and living a purposeful life. We must be careful because the truth is that we are living in a world that is full of shrewd manipulations and false illusions, designed to control and take advantage of the people. There is also so much evil in our world, but the world does not want you to even bother about it. It keeps all the noise and entertainment going on and on, misdirecting you from what life is really all about.
May this book be your guiding light, a lighthouse when one is lost at sea. May it help you find the real meaning of being alive and how to live genuinely and happily. Now is the time for change; now is the time to be free.